Due to Level 5 restrictions, we are currently engaging in Remote Learning with all our classes.
Teachers are currently using email and seesaw to ensure all students get daily learning during this time. If you are a parent with any questions in relation to remote learning, please contact the school. Stay Safe. Re-Opening of Scoil na Mainistreach Quin Dangan The following websites provide further information on COVID-19 and on government advice and recommendations regarding the re-opening of schools:
www.education.ie/en/covid-19/ www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/ www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/a128-back-to-school/?referrer www.gov.ie/backtoschool/ School will reopen Thursday 27th August 2020. If you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to email us.
On Tuesday 30th of May 2017, We raised our 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity
Gary Brennan came to raise the flag and there was speeches from Mr Lynch and Mrs Power The Banna Ceoil and the Choir provided entertainment today. As you may be aware, there is a new primary language curriculum currently being rolled out. The NCCA has developed two information leaflets answering key questions from parents about the new curriculum. Below is a link to access this information. In addition, the Department of Education and Skills have advised schools to share two websites that have been recommended to assist parents work with their children, in preparing for the changes to the language curriculum. Please see under category Letters/useful websites.
We are having a book fair next week. The book fair is when children can purchase books in the school for a reduced price throughout one week. There are over 200 books including picture books, books written in Irish and non fiction! Parents are also welcome to attend the fair. Every child received a note or booklet like that of shown above. Make sure to bring money for some awesome bargains!